Thursday night I went over to Victoria's house; she and Heather were having a dinner for their English 8 class... we played Mafia, ate some homemade tinga, enjoyed some sangria... a pleasant evening. Friday Victoria and I climbed to the hill in the center of Toluca--there are some beautiful views from up there! It was super relaxing, and made Toluca seem a lot prettier. :) It's really not that bad. :P
In the afternoon I came home to Lerma, and a few Frenchies had already arrived in anticipation of our trip to Valle de Bravo, a gorgeous town on a lake, a super touristy spot... but since we were going with locals, we had the hook-up. Friday evening we got there late, around 10, so we went for some tacos, then ended up at Fernando's house for some games... We played the French version of Mafia, which i'm sorry to say is WAY more fun than the version I know... and then this great one called Psiquiatra...Psychiatry. Hard to explain, but a blast to play.
Saturday morning we headed over to Marco's house--his mom had offered to cook us breakfast (for all 11 of us, it was a push), and we arrived to a gorgeous table, delicious food, and a sweet lady. :) Chilaquiles, carne con chícharos, pan, fruta... it was a feast! Then we chilled there for a while while the boys were arranging things, and then we headed over to the lake in the back of Marco's pickup, and boated and tubed and wakeboarded for a few hours... it was gorgeous. And a little bumpy--my chin hit the tube at one point, and a bruise developed by the evening! Oh well. No teeth lost. That's the important thing. :)
After the boat, we headed back to our hotel (Jaime's mom has a hotel, and was generous enough to let us 5 girls crash in one of the rooms), got prettied up, and went to a gorgeous Italian restaurant... we got wine, camembert, artichokes, and everyone got a pasta/pizza dish... qué rico! All of it was so good, as was the company. Later, we went to a mezcal bar (a drink similar to tequila, though even a bit stronger) and later to a karaoke bar... we danced and sang and laughed until the wee hours of the morning... Karaoke is one of my all-time favorite things to do. :)
Sunday morning, we headed to the outskirts of the city, and hopped on some horses... we rode for about an hour, up to the mirador, or lookout point for some beautiful views of the town. My Latigo Ranch lessons came flooding back to me as soon as I hopped on Colorín. :P In the afternoon, we sat down to watch a Mexican movie, Y tu mamá también, and I definitely fell asleep. We headed back in the evening, trying to get the other Frenchies back in time to catch their buses... and BOY did I sleep well that night.
Monday-->back to the grind! This week, since classes are over, I'm dedicating my time to putting together an Activities/Games manual... different from the Lab manual of before. :P This one is basically games, divided into sections based on language used and for what levels the activity would be appropriate... It's actually fun, and an excellent resource for me, too!
More exciting news--My dad arrives in 2 days! Well, 1.5 at this point-I'm pumped! I've been consulting my Lonely Planet to decide where to take him... I have a feeling we'll be cramming a lot into a little bit of time. We're hopefully going to hit the pyramids at Teotihuacán, be here for my University's Christmas party... well, I'll let you know when we decide. ;)
Thanks for reading! Besos~
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