Friday, October 17, 2008

An unexpected day

Victoria had asked me to come with her to do this presentation about why English learning is important... so I said sure. I had NO idea what to expect, but we went this morning after throwing together a PPT presentation last night...

So we get to the small town of Santiago Tianguistenco (no, I'm not kidding, that's its real name), and were welcomed by María Teresa, a sweet lamb English teacher at the school. She tells us that we'll be giving our presentation twice, to a group of about 250 high school students then to about 250 university students... ooooh. boy. But hey, Victoria's the bomb, I did some translating, and I think overall the students really liked it... thankfully we were able to talk about lots of relevant stuff to them--not just studying English with the end goal of getting a better-paid job, but music, art, communication, travel, etc... it ended up being really interesting (well, at least I thought so:)).

Then María Teresa (Tere) and her colleague Ivan took us to lunch at the cafeteria (side note--this school, the Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios, CESU, is a private school and therefore has more dinero for their sombrero, if you know what I mean... the facilities were quite nice!), I had some delicious enchiladas, and then we prepared a little bit for our 2 o'clock classes that they had asked us to give... They had told us a little bit about what the students have been learning, so we basically made it up on the fly...

I ended up doing introductions, having the students tell me about themselves and then tell me about each other; then (because they were learning about clothes) we talked about what we were wearing, and then I had them help me create a doll--they named her Lizzy-- and tell me what she was wearing... it ended up being pret-ty hilarious. I'd just like to remind everyone that I majored in Spanish and Latin American Studies--nooothing to do with drawing. But we had a great time, and it was fun to explain things like curvy earrings and polka dots, etc... they were really good-natured and kind kids. Man I wish I would have had my camera... that drawing could have been a real winner. :)

Brandon's coming to visit from Acapulco, we get to see him tomorrow! Yay!

Thanks for reading, skype me sometime! ;)


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